SCBA cylinder valve being tested
at operating pressure before
being reinstalled in cylinder
SCBA Hydrotesting
Valve in the process of being
disassembled before ultrasonic
SCBA cylinders after hydrotesting,
and valves in the process of being
inspected and repaired
Copyright Pressure Solutions LLC 2005
Pressure Solutions LLC provides complete hydrotesting, valve repair, and valve testing after
repairs are performed.  Testing of the cylinder valves at operating pressure insures that there are
no leaks, and the gauges are functioning correctly.  The gauges are checked for accuracy with a
calibrated test gauge.  We are one of a few repair facilities in the U.S. that tests the SCBA cylinder
valves at operating pressure before being installed back in to the cylinders after repairs are
performed to the valves.  Most of the SCBA manufactures recommend that the cylinder valve be
rebuilt when hydrotesting is performed.   Contact us for further information and pricing of these
Proud to be
Oklahoma Owned
and Operated
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